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New invention: The Finger Nip

So even newborn Standard Poodles are brilliant. I have 10 puppies and Miss T just cannot feed them all at once, nor make enough milk for them all. I have tried fake nipples and syringes, but these pups know when they have something fake in their mouths. So, I came up with a syringe tip that attaches to my little finger. Fingers seem to be acceptable replacements for nipples.

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Tiffany Diehl
Tiffany Diehl
Jan 24, 2022

Homemade Puppy Formula

  1. 1 can full-fat evaporated cow's milk plus 1/4 cup filtered water.

  2. Mix in 1 cup plain full fat (not skim) yogurt.

  3. Add 1/2 teaspoon of corn syrup or simple syrup made from sugar and water.


Jan 22, 2022

This is awesome. I went through at least 10 different sizes and brands and none was quite right fit. How did you make this…. Looks like a condom almost on top of syringe. What are you feeding them? My girl had 17! A week premature. 13 survived and are fat and healthy. I used goat milk.

Tiffany Diehl
Tiffany Diehl
Jan 22, 2022
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I used finger condoms with a small hole cut in upper part of tip. I run the surgical tubing through hole and over finger. Tubing fits into syringe with enough slack to easily hold and operate depresser. I ordered these supplies through Amazon. BSTEAN 25 Pack 20ml Plastic Syringe with Individual Wrap for Industrial, Scientific, Measuring, Watering, Pet Feeding, Oil Refilling or Glue Applicato 4 PCS 100 ml Syringes, Large Plastic Syringe Garden Syringe Measuring Syringe Tools with 3.2 ft Plastic Tubing Hoses for Scientific Labs, Watering, Re Acu-Life Finger and Toes Cots | Rubber | 40 Count | Assorted Sizes (S/M/L) I use smaller syringes for 2 reasons: easier to depress one handed and pups can get really good…

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